things are strange right now. it serves as another reminder of how little i know about anything. i feel powerless in this situation. words don't even come out right. sometimes all i can do is be quiet and watch. and try not to worry.
i will post this picture from sipascancha of all the children. another example of being able to do very little. and of feeling almost exactly the way described above. there are times one is truly on the outside, does not have the history or experience to know or judge or understand. one is not in a position to give advice.
in the photo, the kids are gathered for christmas. they will receive donated gifts, a cup of lemon jello and a piece of sweet bread. it is so better than nothing, i suppose. they're excited and to some degree innocent, minus coming to know what to expect. whether a christmas celebration will make a difference in these kids lives, we'll not really know. it all can seem like token gestures. and one can question just why they are doing it. but in looking back, when a connection is made, there is no denying it. it felt like at that split second, everything made sense.
i guess all you can do is be present. be there. trust yourself to do exactly what's needed. put your foot in your mouth, if that's what has to happen. and be open to a connection.