Wednesday, February 21, 2007

i'm packing up and taking down what made this place feel like a home. it's dark now and the walls are getting more bare. it's feeling strange. i've run across this or that, reminding me of a friend or something long past. there is the "looking-forward-to-go-to-Peru-box". there are a few things that i'll bring to beauvais' for the time i'm there. more boxes line up in the process to go to storage. i have moved enough times that i have this down to a fine art. and i'm not sure i should be proud of this. i move into a place always optimistic and open, and leave it remembering, "oh yeah, i forgot this was temporary..." its a funny feeling to not feel firmly planted anywhere.

so i'm going to tie it up for the night. take a hot bath, while i still have a bathtub (!) and watch a bad sci-fi movie and eat ravioli in bed.

Monday, February 19, 2007

And, thank you to Sarah and Dale, for the donation! i appreciate it more than you know.
a new letter from pave!

i had written and told her i had looked back on all her letters, translating, and making sure i hadn't missed anything and found it caused me to ask more questions! (and i asked of course about what our stove looked like and if it was the model from properu, winrock, or some other design she had discovered. and where exactly the adobe bricks would go! or, if they need alot of time to dry? ...etcetera.)

anyway, my many comments and questions....i will acknowledge her letter responds to many but not all so there remains a bit of mystery....namely, just what perchance does this stove look like?! (eeegads, i want to see a picture but i don't think there is one!) and just what the timeline will look like, and just what to expect in terms of actual construction?

i know i ask alot of questions. 1.) i'm a control freak. (there, now you know!) 2.) i want to be able to explain it all to others and have it make sense. (even if that's next to impossible because they do things so differently there and sometimes things don't exactly line up to our way of thinking.) 3.) one of the most important reasons for all my questions is that i want steve to be ok with this, as he is putting 1000$ of this money up. and that he trusts i've done what i can to put this in place and that regardless there is a risk of not having control. 4.) and finally, yes, this is alot of money and for the most part it's a gift. pave knows what we'll have and that we want to carefully spend it, whether it be on 120 stoves, or in part, stoves and something else sustainable that the entire village can benefit from. our work will be a gift also, but let's not forget, what an adventure it'll be too! it's like releasing it all to the universe, with what are the best of intentions, and being open to the outcome. yes, i want there to be a difference felt, to have that money make a tangible difference in their lives. and if that shows up on a face or two, or if we share some food cooked on a new stove!. i'd be happy with that. :>)

and that may seem crazy to some...kind of like jumping off a cliff and enjoying what might be the scenery!

ok, the letter.

Querida Laurie:
Es verdad yo tambien repaso tus mails para entender tus preguntas y escribo pensando mucho para no escribir muy dificil para ti.
Respuestas si PROPERU es el del Cusco es una ONG de voluntarios igual que nosotros y seguro no orientaran, que la cocina es de ellos no, es la de Winrock adaptada para nuestro proyecto, en la web hay mas cocinas busca en cocinas mejoradas a leña veras muchos modelos. Todos son buenos porque tienen principios de calidad duración, eficacez osea que funcionan y bajo costo eso debemos asegurar nosotros.
Que el adobe secara claro eso es lo más facil para ellos, solo mueven la tierra y listo ellos mismos me lo han dicho . la inscripcion mañana la recibire pues mande una carta la presidente de la comunidad y espero respuesta.
Además yo estoy en contacto ya con tecnicos soldadores de metales quienes haran los rockets y los provare y yendre nuestro modelo acabado y funcionando antes de fin de mes.
Ya planificaremos mas juntas y como dices cada centavo debe ser muy bien aprobechado ese es mi proposito en todo lo que deseamos hacer para el bien de estos amigos y principalmente los niños. Un abrazo grande y un beso igual de grande ya te cuento como funciona el rocket que estamos contruyento con mis amigos tecnicos muy simpaticos te gustaran son muy sencillos y tienen un taller de esos de pelicula lleno de fierros viejos soldaduras y gras y tornillos .
Otro abrazo gracias chao ti amiga del alma Pave.

dear laurie,
it also true that i reread your emails--i want to understand your questions. i'm thinking (more than) writing and that makes it hard for you. so answers: ProPeru is in cusco, and its a non profit, like us. i really don't know them. so the stoves aren't from them, but from winrock and adapted for our project. in the web there are many stoves to look at. and the ones that burn wood are best and there are many models of those as well. all are good and use the same principles, have heat duration, efficiency and are low cost, this we can be assured of. yes, the adobe will be dry. this will be very easy for them. all they do is move the dirt, turn it, and voila. they themselves have told me. the registration will be tomorrow. i wrote the president of the community and am expecting a response back from him (as to registrants.) and more, i am in contact with welders who have made the rocket stove before and are making our model that we will try to have up and running by the end of the month. we can plan more together. and like you say, every cent we should make go as far as possible, this has been my intention from the first. its our desire to do something good for our friends and most of all, the children. a big hug and a big kiss! i'll tell you about how the rocket we're building is going. me and my friends, the welders , you'll like them, they're really nice, and very simple and straightforward. they have a garage full of old iron and welders and parts.

another hug from your friend in spirit,

Sunday, February 18, 2007

un fin de la semana muy ocupado! {what a busy weekend!} spent most of it over at steve's and together with others we chopped and cut and pruned almost everything in the yard! phew! the bay laurel, bushes, the fig trees, the lilac, wisteria, the japanese maple, more trees, even the grape arbor! and a bunch of blackberries bit the dust in the process. amazing and today it was wonderful to see it most of it, short of the blackberries, all go back to the yard, thanks to the chipper-shredder machine. now it'll be nice path material.

and we treated ourselves out for one of the yummiest meals ever at chao pra ya---ummm---a tasty appetizer we built ourselves on lettuce leaves with toasted coconut, dried shrimp (who would've thought?) peanuts, chilis, bits of lime with skin, and a sweet spicy sauce. great tom yum soup, with the most perfectly cooked fish, and a fantastic curry, i have forgotten the name--maybe, massaman. or something like that. one of those perfectly infused aromatic curries. it was incredibly delicious, and the entire meal perfect to split down the middle with a glass of a red thai wine.

and then it was over to see Hedwig and the Angry Inch, with Adam Goldthwaite and the Ovulators. what a fantastic show! Hedwig brought tears to my eyes! adam was hedwig. and the ovulators were fantastic as the back up band, the angry inch. when hedwig walked around the theater talking to the audience it was steve she picked to straddle! (it was because he simply looked so good!) we went home early, both of us catching each others yawns all the way back.

so its now 11 PM and soon i'll be at work for 4 hours---i'm still picking up extra hours in prep for the trip. but, do i want to go? really, no! my hands hurt from clipping and my arms from sawing that bay laurel...but its only for a few hours and it'll buy 2.6 stoves...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

the letters that follow are translated but as always there are parts a bit difficult to understand word for word. so please understand that as you read them! i have to say this has been an excellent exercise for me to do this--ie., translating. i won't let it get behind again! it has refreshed my memory about certain details, triggered a few more questions on my part and generally has left me with the sense we are all trying to do our best here, while all from a huge distance, speaking different languages and coming from entirely different experiences. and all motivated to work alongside others, to affect some sort of change.

and to think this all started as an idea to travel and volunteer together...
el dia 6 de febrero

Querida Laurie y Steve
La idea de poner 25 soles es importante porque ellos tienen que participar y sentir su participación, si se les regala otros no estaran de acuerdo y sentiran la desigualdad y regalar no es de proyectos el proyecto tiene que tener contraparte del que recibe osea nosotros trabajando e invirtiendo dinero esfuerzo etc. y ellos tambien con un pequeño dinero, 30 adobes aprox. ceniza, etc. todos los proyectos llaman a esto contraparte, osea Qué ponen los que reciben? o solo reciben? si hay personas que desean deben esforzarse por lograr lo que desean como todos. Además yo hable con el grupo de Sipascancha que participa en el mercado y ellos dicen que pondrán el dinero. Y el día 12 mandaré una carta de invitacion a inscribirse para participar, a veces ellos deben tomar de propia voluntad la desición de participar así no es de arriba para abajo sino en forma horizontal y de acuerdo entre ambos nosotros los del proyecto y ellos los beneficiarios. Ese dinero tal vez debe servir para forestar con más arboles para leña, y antes de subir cuando llegues haremos numeros para saber como manejaremos el dinero para que alcanze, por eso yo te pedia numero de participantes, ya que estamos a tiempo, y esos 25 serán un seguro de cubrir las metas y si sobran los 25 reforestaremos o algo pero mejor damos más cocinas con ese dinero o dejamos ese dinero para el seguimiento osea las visitas de inspeccion que en el año tenemos que hacer para ver el uso adecuado de las cocinas. El tecnico trabajara mas que Uds. en tiempo de Sipascancha en esos dias y Uds. pueden disponer las horas y días de trabajo no te aflijas por eso pienso las primeras semanas hasta que aprendan a instalar correctamente las cocinas y luego ellos son muy habiles y lo haran de dos en dos para cada casa y Uds. supervisaran son muy habiles para hacer yo ya los conozco. Cuando veas como hicimos solos ese mercado tan bonito yo y ellos veras que son muy buenos con sus manos para construir cosas. Estudiaremos los casos por los 25 no te preocupes pero debe ser en absoluta reserva y los demás no deben enterarse si se lo regalamos a laguno por ejmplo a las viudas eso perjudicaria el proyecto.
de todos modos esperemos su respuesta el día 12 ellos deciden recuerda que son adultos y muy habiles. Otros tal vez digan que no y yo se que hay de esos pero no les daremos importancia es mas importante hacer el proyecto para los que deseen los otros copiaran el modelo y difundir esta tecnologia es mas importante darla gratis y que la copien para su salud. Programaremos juntas las dos semanas que estemos en Cusco.
Te cuento como algo anecdotico que cuando llegue a Sipascancha y empezamos con el comedor ellos no le daban importancia a la alimentacion porque querian una antena parabolica para tener televisores y ver canales de TV llenos de basura y yo me rei mucho y les dije que nunca hare eso. Eso paso el 2001.
Po lo demas me gustaria saber de cuantas coninas en verdad podemos hacer segun tus calculos de numeros y lo demas será mas facil.
Yo estoy haciendo la cocina del mercado para ver como yo tambien aprendo en estos días en cuanto tiempo hago la conica que necesito y cuanto va costar en nuestras manos.
Te agradezco todo lo mucho que nos quieres y muchos saludos de los amigos de Sipas.

Un abrazo grande y saludos y gracias a todos los que nos apoyaran. Yo tambien estoy muy emocionada porque estaras conmigo y seremos felices haciendo este bello proyecto.

dear laurie and steve,
yes its so important they put forth their 25 soles. they have to feel their part in it. to gift them this will create a disequality and this isn't a project. a project has to include discussion, sometimes disagreement,people willing to work, put forth efforts and pay their part. so to have 25 soles, 30 blocks of adobe, ash, this has worked in other projects winrock speaks of. the question is what if they don't have (the money, the blocks, the ash??) but the willingness to work so to improve their lives?

the people of sipascancha who participated in the creation of their market, are ready to put forth their money to this. the 12th i am sending a letter to invite all to participate. (difficult to translate here) i think she means sometimes they make no decision one way or the other, thinking it is up to them (cristo de los andes) when they themselves are the people who will benefit.

there are ways we can plan on using the money they do contribute. she suggests reforestation, perhaps making more stoves available, and in later management of their fuel supply/reforestation and in future improvment or follow-up on the use of the stoves.
the technical person working with us will be up there all week. we will not likely have to be. she says not to worry. in the first few weeks of this we will all be learning to build these correctly. she expects we'll be able to pair up and work house by house and to remember these are very able workers. she says i should see the beautiful market they built.

so we should know the 12th how many. she says there will always be people who say no, but to move on and we will find others copying our work, and this is good for others to benefit as well. ie.,this project of ours may end up being some sort of model...we will be planning /talking more about this once together. (again a bit difficult to translate...)

she adds this "anecdote". in 2001 when they first arrived to sipascancha, this being the group Cristo de los Andes, they were talking of building the main kitchen so to cook large amounts of food daily for the schoolchildren. and what they wanted instead was a television antenna...(it seems things are changing...)

so tell me how many we would be prepared to make. and everything else will be easy(!). i am making one (a stove) in the market. it will help us to know more what we have ahead of us in terms of time and money.

i'm very grateful for all your help. hello from everyone in sipascancha. i am very excited as well getting to be with you again and working together on this beautiful project of ours.

a hug,
el dia 2 de febrero 2007

Querida amigos Laurita y Steve:
Gracias por todo lo que vienes trabajando, tus noticias son siempre muy agradables, y para mi sorprendentes. Yo tuve una reuniòn el lunes 30 con los amigos de Sipacancha al menos los que participan en el proyecto del mercado todos estan muy entusiasmandos por las noticias y desean participar, lo que tenemos que ponernos de acuerdo los tres es que para que ellos sientan que estan invirtiendo su trabajo y dinero en cuanto dinero deben aportar yo te he hablado de 25 soles, adobe (bloques de tierra con lo que construimos las casas aqui), trabajo , ellos dicen que todos quieren pero si les exigimos el numero va bajar, cuantas estufas crees que podamos hacer, 100 ,120? necesito un calculo de cuento podemos hacer. Yo sigiero que debemos exigir la cuota porque solo asI ellos cuidaran las estufas es parte del apoderamiento que se hablo en las experiencias de Winrock o cuento debemos exigir de dinero?. Respondeme esta pregunta por favor. Yo viajare la pròxima semana para llamar una asamblea de interesados y debemos hacer un apadronamiento (osea inscripción y compromiso de participar sin poner obstaculos y con ganas de mejorar), mira yo para darles ovinos d e raza hamscher que costaban 350 soles pedi 100 y lo consiguieron pero el proyecto era para 28 personas, yo hablare con ellos para que ahorren pero cuanto? ) Además en el curso en Lima decian que porque algunos no les costaba lo desechaban la estufa y volvian a su metodo pasado por ignorancia y falta de valoración al esfuerzo. Ellos también osea Winrock y los demás piden el 15 % del costo o venden las estufas a precio barato o de costo.Por eso era una ayuda a personas que tenian 2 dolares por dia para sobrevivir y desde mi experiencia ellos conseguiran los soles para marzo tienen dos meses.
Les respondo:
1. Los materiales y el técnico los tengo ya en la mira mandaré comunicado que hagan los adobes necesarios, nosotros tal vez tenemos que hacer el contrato de las planchas, Chimenea, rocket con anticipación a un mes de tu llegada y en el número que decidamos hacer 100, 120? más... menos. tenemos que poner el estimado.para que no nos falte dinero. Trabaje antes con un especialista que tiene un taller de soldadura a 3 cudras de mi casa y es cumplido mañana llevaré el modelo. El técnico lo conseguire de Pro peru por medio del Ing, Javier o tal vez nos asesoren gratis eso no se. Pero el técnico si lo conseguiremos. Para eso estoy programando lsa proximas dos semanas hacer una estufa en la cocina del mercado artasanal para que la vean y otra en el hogar de niños campesinos huerfanos que estamos haciendo en Quiquijana.
2. Los días de trabajo eran antes de lunes a miercoles o ampliamos eso tu dispones amiga hagamos asi y si vez que necesitas mas tiempo te quedas, el técnico si tiene que trabajar de lunes a viernes. Que pensamos igual esta claro yo también he pensado en ese modelo plancha, chimenea y rocket son elegantes y les he hablado de eso y de ese modelo donde no se ve el fuego,
3. El estudio claro que tenemos que hacerlo, y sobre los hábitos alimenticios también tu tienes más que buscar ese medidor de contaminacion del aire y sobre estudios de fumadores por ahi va el problema. enfermedades en los ojos etc. Sobre aliemtación yo tengo informacion de alimentos andinos y formas de cocinar con menús economicos y nutritivos y podemos hacer algunas recetas.
El proyecto también ha ampliado su servicio a la comunidad de Soncco a 3 minutos de Sipascancha y trabajo con 17 familias de tejedores y yo les hable del proyecto de estufas y ellos son mas decididos y dijeron que si pondrian los 25 soles, tal vez tambien podemos hacerlo con estas familias es necesario difundir y regalar información sobre esta tecnología saludable.Piensalo elllos pueden ser el otro pueblo que despues atendamos su pueblo es el pueblo donde trabajaba el esposo de Adela, Nino te acuerdas, camino a colquepata ese pueblo de la vuelta de la curva en la carretera es igual a Sipascancha.
4. Con gusto estaremos juntas en casa o donde tu veas por conveniente, yo estoy arreglando mi casa porque mi mamá esta mas buena conmigo y claro que estaremos juntas, yo ahorre todo el año y le estoy cambiando los pisos y mi mamá esta encantada conmigo. estaremos juntos.

espero tu repuesta porque el lunes o martes subo a Sipas porque hare la asamblea para el proyecto con los mas interesados empadronare y vere los casos de los huerfanos de tres familias para recoger a los niños con riesgo de desnutrición severa de estas familias y albergarlos en el Uñacha(Pequeñito en quechua) también tienes que conocer este proyecto.
Bueno te dejo y me alegro por todo que Steven sepa de intalaciones, que tu trigas vitaminas y mas me gusta que estaremos juntas otra vez, yo comprendo lo del peso del equipaje, Cuidate mucho y espero que tu familia este mas controlada, pero la vida es un teatro y nos muestra siempre esos rostros y resulta ironico muchas de nuestras realidades.
Un abrazo para los dos los quiero mucho.

dear laurie and steve,

thanks for all that you're doing. your news is always good and am always surprised. i had the meeting on the 30th and many are very enthusiastic and want to particpate. we have to make sure we're all on the same page. they will have their 25 soles, their blocks of adobe and be willing to work. but in the end the number will likely drop. how many stoves do you think we can make? 100, 120? we need to know that number. she is saying the villagers themselves will have to make a commitment to this, for it to succeed as this is what was shared by winrock in their experience thus far. she then speaks of the method used by winrock, where people were given small animals to raise and then sell back in order to raise the money for the stove. there are parts of this i don't understand, though and i've asked her to explain to me again. she cautions me that if they are simply given the stove, it is likely they will abandon the new method for the old, this being due to ignorance, and not an understanding of its potential value (to their health.) she adds that winrock also offered to sell their stoves at 15% their values so the people with less money could afford it. she adds they (the villagers) have a couple months to gather the money and in her experience they do (will.)

she then answers some of my questions i had written her.

1.) the technical person i have in mind, he said to have the adobes ready. (the bricks made.) for the materials that the technician spoke of we may need to have a contract for the chimneys, grill and rocket in order to have them there ahead of time. again how many 100, 120? we don't want to run out of money. i know a welder, tomorrow i have an appt to show him a model. the technical person is from Pro Peru and i don't know if it can be for free. regardless we need one. in the nest couple of weeks i am planning to build a model of the stove in the market (i'm thinking the one they recently opened near the tourist circuit where many sell their artesania.) and she wants to put another in the orphanage in Quiquijana, another one of their projects. (visibility is good.)

2.) i asked her how many days a week we'll be working and she tells me we can either do monday through wednesday or more. we will be having the technical person there all week long though.

she adds we're thinking along the same lines about the stove. an elegant (!) model, with a metal top, and chimney, where you don't see the fire...

2.) she agrees, we have to do this study! you have to look at their diets. and we have to look at what this contamination of the air causes, even eye infections. i have information on their diets, andinos (andean) and even nutritious recipes. we can take this to other communities, for instance soncco, where there are 17 families of weavers very interested in this idea of ours. they are ready with their 25 soles. remember this is the village where nino teaches, the husband of adella, up the curve in the road towards colquepata. we can make it so this information about this achievable method of cooking and heating, more healthful, can be distributed...

3.) and of course i welcome you staying with me as long as you like. i am rearranging the house and staying on, my mother and i are happy again together.

so i will wait to hear from you monday or tuesday. i will be returning to talk to those most interested in the project (in Sipascancha.) also i need to go to the homes of three families, in regards to their own children, whom they cannot feed. i think she means to say the families want the children to come to the orphanage so they will eat... this is in quiquijana. she would like me to see this project as well.

i will leave you both now and thank you again for all that you're doing. the news of the vitamins is good. soon we'll be together. i remember the issues of weight limits on the planes. so take good care. i am hoping your family situation is better. you know life is a theater and in our face. and ironic much of the time. i love you and hug to you both, Pave.

el dia 17 de january

Querida Laurie perdona mi demora:
Yo estuve tan cansada que pense menjor una semana descanzo, me dejo muerta tanta gente, es verdad tuvimos una bella navidad gracias a Uds.
El proyecto con 55 para cada familia esta muy bien : En la plancha ,chimenea y rejilla de hierro estan 20 dolares, la intalaciòn 10 dolares, transporte 15 dolares de seguimiento e imprevistos, cambio de moneda esta bajando.
Yo hable con ellos y tendran que poner 25 soles si quieren su estufa lo que tambien hará que ellos se sientan propietarios.lo cual es muy importante.
Ellos se incribiran para participar sino quieren cambiar no podemos obligarles y te comento que ellos a veces son así.
El invernadero costo aproximadamente 5000 el pequeño, pero ellos ya desataron los grandes sin haberles dicho,lo cual me dolio mucho y no arreglaron los que se destrozaron pese a que las paredes estaban buenos, eso yo creo que debemos pensarlo mejor yo haria uno pequeño para el comedor de los niños y listo,ellos son deseaban tener cda uno en su casa un invernadro lo cual me parecio muy egoista. El pequeño costaba así 5000 pero ellos no querian trabajar para sus hijos y tenia que pagar 150 soles mensuales para que lo muevan ellos no querian trabajar sin pago y en eso ayudaron poco a veces estan equivocados sobre las ayudas.
Las estufas en cambio estarán en su casa y tendremos que ver que las usen y controlar mucho esto ellos a veces creen que es por nosotros que lo hacemos y no ven que es por ellos mismos es su atraso y debemos comprender desde ahora eso porque yo lo quiero igual pero desde el lado que me toca.
El Colegio tiene ahora cinco computadoras del municipio y dos del proyecto las dos las prenden y trabajan y las cinco no las prenden porque no tienen intalcion de luz necesaria.Si tu quieres traer otras esta bien porque siempre falta para los demás niños.
Trae lo que tu quieras o bien puedas pero pregunta en aduanas los costos tal vez ellos salen con que impuestos etc.
Avisame las fechas de tu viaje por favor linea aerea y otros en Sipas lo arreglamos todo y llegas con tranquilidad.
Lamento lo de tu hermano, y espero mejore saludos a tus hjos y a tu familia pensare que todo saldrá bien.
El video no creo alcance hacerlo alquilare una máquina pero depende de la fecha de tu viaje.
Agradecemos a las personas que nos quieren ayudar y rezo por ellas.
Te quiero mucho, contesta pronto desde hoy estoy pendiente.
Hoy fui a Sipas y no me esperaron ellos son asi a veces pero si dijeron en navidad que participarian.
Los del proyecto son más o menos 50 que siempre estan dispuestos ha hacer sus esfuerzos por mejorar sin pensarlo dos veces el resto hablaremos con ellos y podemos hacer etapas hasta que se convezcan de la eficacia de las estufas.
Un abrazo grande y un beso. Pavela

dear laurie,

forgive my tardiness in writing. i'm exhausted. i was left dead, lots of people, in truth we had a fantastic christmas thanks to you. to think of 55$ per stove is perfect--the griddle, the chimney, and the iron grate-all 20$, and then including the costs of installation--10$, transport of materials--15$, and the rest for any additional costs such as tax or if the exchange has dropped. i've talked with everyone from sipascancha and told them their costs would be 25 soles (about 7 dollars). then they can feel like owners (of the stove). we will have them sign but you know they are not obligated. you remember what i've said before about this. (typically about 60% of the village participate in the projects put forth by cristo de los andes.)

she descibes the greenhouse situation as a mess. i did know it had collapsed during a snow storm. and as i read this it sounds worse. apparently it was disassembled? (not sure i'm translating this correctly..) anyway i can see she was quite saddened by the discovery and hopes a smaller one can be built of what's left of the frame near where the comedor is. (obviously i wil have to investigate this when i get there....) but she does say 5000$ which seems quite expensive unless i'm missing some big point here.

in the next paragraph she compares the ownership thing of the greenhouse (as i said there is some heat about this issue...) compared to the stoves. she says we will have to see how they do with each having one in their homes...they sometimes see anything gained as given or because of them (pave and cristo de los andes), they believe themselves backwards and she wants to work on an equal basis with them.

she tells me the computers they have for the students, two work and the five they received from the local municipality (colquepata) don't work because there isn't electricity where they are! (perhaps something we can do?!)

she asks me to let her know dates of our arrival, tells me to to worry, people are arranging everything in sipascancha.

she adds having concern for my brother and family and hope all goes well with my trip to see them.

she is grateful for all. she will go to sipascancha and talk more with everyone---she thinks 50 will participate without thinking twice because they want to improve their lives. it will likely happen in stages, others seeing it also.

big hug and kiss, pave
letter dated 24 december

Querida Laurie,
Hoy es 24 de diciembre y faltan unas horas para renovar los lazos fraternos de amo por la humanidd de tener sentido la frase Cristo de los Andes el Cristo que tenemos cada uno dentro de nuestros espiritus, vengo como loca comprrando, juntndo de aqui alla todo lo que la gente me quiera dar, tenemos un trabajo y un amor que dar, espero poder seguir mucho más juntas y compartir ese Cristo que tenemos dentro y estos meses en tu compañia han sido muy importantes para seguir adelante, en un mundo que muchas veces no entiendo y sigo siendo una adolescente frente a todo, a los amigos y familia tuya que ayudan un abrazo grande y mi saludo fraterno en esta Navidad ellos son otros Cristos que viven leguas de este nuestro Perú, somos ahora un solo movimiento y un solo pensamiento,todo el amor y exitos en el mundo para ellos de parte de todos nosotros los niños las mamitas y los esposos y amigos de Colquepata de Sipascancha, Soncco, Chicchicmarca, amigos del otro proyecto del mercado Purikuq (Caminante) Parubamba, Mandorani, gente a la que voy hablando de ti y de tus amigos y que esperan conocerte a tu llegada son otros nuevos grupos. Las fotos de todas estas actividades te las enviare, gracias a todos. Ellos tambièn son gentes humilde y pobres.
Tu corazón esta con nosotros lo sentimos cerca.
Cuidate mucho esa pierna tien que tomar su tiempo, pediremos por ti al gran Cristo y su energía cosmica por que somos sus favoritas por dejarnos sentir tanto por los demás.
Amiga si ellos pueden pagar para apoderarse es el termino correcto y ver y cuidar su inversión el día 28 he programado la visita a Sipas con Navidad de regalos, almuerzo, fruta, música y ahí lo plantearé lo del 50% y veremos la intenciòn de ellos, es muy importante que ellos ses preocupen tanto por nosotros como lo hacemos nosotros.
Te quiero mucho y esta noche estaremos pensando en nosotros y el año que empieza muchos besos y abrazos, FELIZ NAVIDAD HERMANOS DE OREGON, FELICEZ FIESTAS PARA USTEDES Y QUE DIOS LOS BENDIGA.
Te qiero cuidate mucho Laurita.

dear laurie,
christmas is coming in a few hours and we will have another chance to renew our spirits with god, that each of us have inside of us. i went crazy shopping for the children, i wanted to give something to everyone. we have work and love to give to everyone. but i know the gift is god. and in the coming months it is a gift to work with you again. and we will move forward, in this world i do not always understand, like a teenager. to all your friends and family who have helped we send a big hello to all of you., other christs living far from peru but like one movement, one thought who give to the humble and poor people of colquepata, sipascancha, soncco, chichicmarca the other project, the market, and mandorani. we speak of you and everyone is looking forward to knowing you, even the new groups. your heart feels close. take care of your leg. (she sends cosmic energy my way.) she will be going up there to talk more of the stoves. and bringing gifts, food, fruit and music. (for christmas.) she loves me and sends us the best wishes of this night, all the blessings of god. pavela.
i realized it's been some time since i posted any letters from pave. i've looked back and will post them from her trip to lima, when she went to the conference on indoor air pollution, and forward, including about christmas! i can't believe i didn't think to post these before now, but think i was getting lazy! forgive me! and as before, a rough translation will follow (some rougher than most, as they're a little difficult to translate and have it sound right in english.

Querida amiga:
Te comento que el seminario me encanto, llegue apenas a las 10 de la mañana, viendo la inaguración, tuve que irme con la maleta, y aprendi mucho no tienens idea, fueron exposiciones de grandes organizaciones de Estados Unidos, México, Nicaragua, Bolivia y del Perú mostrando su experiencia modelos de cocinas, solares, sistemas de calentemientos de agua, estrategias para lograr el cambio y deduciendo tres características importantes eficacia, costo bajo, duración, es importante el proyecto que tratamos de hacer, y la sosotenibilidad es muy importante me contacte con pro peru una ong. del Cusco que ya hizo 1000 cocinas y que tiene siete modelos y el costo es de más barato así que si consigues el dinero haremos más cocinas, el amigo de esta organización se llama Javier y desde el principio me dijo haz más cocinas. Fue impresionanate las demostraciones de cuanto daño hace el fogón de nuestros amigos campesinos y desde ya estamos invitadas como organización a participar de un grupo de solidaridad para mejorar las condiciones de vida de nuestros hermanos campesinos son 11 millones de peruanos que viven estas condiciones. Fue muy bueno para mi yo creo que cuando vengas podremos organizarlo todo de mejor manera y logrando eficacia lo mejor posible para que la experiencia nos resulte positiva y de cambio. Traje material escrito y en CDs. para capacitarnos juntas en lo que planifiquemos.
gracias Laurie tu lo hiciste saltamos de una vez para creo no fracasar eso esta muy bien. Todos fueron muy amables no eran más de 30 personas y todos de muy alto nivel de experiencia y de manejo del tema, quede muda y me dedique a escuchar todo, Rogerio es muy amable y un tipo apasionado con el tema , todos locos por el tema queriendo hablar de eso horas, y yo me senti en mi ambiente con peresonas que piensan todo el tiempo en los demás lo pase delicioso y cuanto aprendi fue una experiencia unica a la que tenemos que asistir el próximo año porque siendo del grupo tenemos que continuar y luchar por los demás y mejorar las calidades de vida con tecnología accesible y real además ecologica amiga ese es el futuro. Juntaaaaaaaaaassssss.
Por los niños de Sipascancha, te doy un agradecimiento profundo con eso tenemos yo consegui ropa para ellos y aumentaremos lo que falte, chocolate, gelatina , galletas y fruta será una fiesta muy buena. Mil abrazos y besos para todos son muy buenos los queremos y estemos pensando en ellos en las oraciones que hagams al bendecir los regalos y delicias que compartiremos gracias amigos, gracias y que Dos les devuelva mil.
Mañana abrire el correo para seguir hablando, quiero el numaro de telefono donde llamarte en estos días por favor.
Un abrazo muy fuerte.

My dear friend,
i want to tell you the conference was wonderful, i loved it. it began at 10 in the morning, there were the openings, i arrived with my suitcase! you have no idea what i learned! there were expositions from large organizations from united states, mexico, nicaragua, bolivia and peru. they discussed their experiences with stoves, solar heating, systems to heat water, and ways to achieve the change. they emphasized 3 characteristics: efficency, low cost and lasting a long time. and she adds, it is important to consider the sustainability of the project. she made a contact with a man Javier, of ProPeru, who made 1000 stoves, seven different models, cheaper which we could then make more with the money you have. the demonstrations were impressive. to know that there are some 11 million of our campesino friends, living in these conditions, peruanos, with these fires, and that there are groups in solidarity with them wanting to improve their conditions. it went well for me and now i'm excited to work with you, to do it in the best way and achieving results that are positive, and efficient. i have materials on cd that we can go over together, to teach ourselves, and plan all of this.
Laurie, thank you. we've taken a leap and i do not think we will fail on this one. everyone was friendly, no more than 30 people, all at a very high level of understanding of this theme. they were dedicated to teaching me /us everything. rogerio was very nice and a man passionate about this theme, in fact they were all crazy about this theme, staying up talking all hours. i fancied myself like them being able to be dedicated to work like this--she says, delicious! this is like an experience like none other. to be able to work with them/us this year is important because the work of this group will continue and they will fight for those who do not have to improve the quality of their lives with technology accessible and real, more so ecologic. my friend this is the future...together.

for the children of sipascancha i give you a profound thank you. with this money we'll get clothes, other things we are short, also chocolate, gelatine and crackers and fruit and we will then have a great party. a million hugs and kisses, for thinking of all . the blessings and gifts will all be shared...and may they be returned to you a million times over.

tomorrow i will look for mail. please send your number so i can talk to you in the coming days.

big hug,

Sunday, February 04, 2007

things keep moving along...

i received three cases of vitamins form the Vitamin Angel! it's looking like i'll need to ship those via DHL, kind of like Fed Ex or UPS. i remember they had an office in cusco and i used them before. so for future reference, it is OK to send vitamins, they aren't considered medicines. and with a weight limit of two fifity pound bags each, we're planning ahead as to what we can carry. if indeed the vitamins go by DHL, we are then free to carry quite a bit in the way of school supplies or clinic supplies.

more letters are going back and forth between pave and i. she has been meeting with the villagers and many want to participate. but, we need a firm committment on each families part to contribute 25 soles (7$) out of the total cost of 55$. and then enough adobe bricks made for all who wish to participate. and apparently there are another 17 families wanting to participate as well in a nearby village of Soncco. she has the technical help needed. once we have a firm committment we can begin transporting the materials to the village which apparently include a chimney, a griddle for the top and rocket "innards". the adobe bricks will be made up there. i wrote today and told her i wish i had a picture, as our original idea was different, and this comes as a result of the meeting and local people she met at the mtg who manufacture a prototype of the rocket stove, a couple hours away.

so, she tells me the stoves will be "elegante"! ( no translation needed there!)

we are moving ahead also with doing our own little "study". she has the data on illnesses, diet, etc and once there, we'll measure pulmonary function, O2 saturation, pulse, measurement of air quality, fuel used, how many hours, etc. i am working on acquiring a saturation monitor...and just how one measures air quality.

so yeah its all good. i hope i have what may be coined as normal anxiety when i think of the big picture here!!

Friday, February 02, 2007


Until one is committed,
there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative
(and creation)
there is one elementary truth,
the ignorance of which
kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
that the moment one definitely commits oneself
then Providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision,
raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen
incedents and meetings and material assistance,
which no man could have dreamed
would have come his way.
I have learned a deep
one of Goethe’s couplets:
Whatever you can do,
or dream you can,
begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

W. H. Murray
The Scottish Himalayan Expedition