A Total Leap of Faith!
More from Pave! the letter and translation follows:
Hola Laurie: Disculpa otra vez.
El programa sembrando inicia su trabajo en Cajamarca y todavia en Cusco no Inkawasi es su proyecto.
La cocina cuesta 30.00 dolares con cod ce´ramico o con codo de metal para 120 familias 3,600 dolares
El técnico que nos ayudará 1300.00 soles osea 400 dolares por tres meses1200 dolares
El transporte de materiales 200.00 dolares
El transporte de nosotros será de un aprox. de 800 dolares por la distancia.en tres meses con 150 soles de gasolina semanal.El costo total aproximado es de 5.800.00 dolares si deseas puedes aumentar el 12% de inflacion e imprevistos.
Si la agencia de winrock esta interesada mejor.
Apoyaremos a 120 familias de extrema pobreza cuyo recurso de subsistencia es de 100 soles diarios osea 30 dolares al mes para cinco miembros como mínimo en comida vestido y servicios. 240 adultos que no llegaran a los 60 años y 350 niños por perspectivas de vida mejores por este programa.
Cuyas emfermadades comunes son afeccciones al sistema respiratorio de bronquitis crónicas y mucosidades virulentas todo el año, desnutrición infantil alta de cada 10 niños 8 tienen grados de desnutrición y los más pequeños de 1 a 3 años de cada 10 9 son desnutridos seguros, lucha contra el hambre que que ambas venimos librando desde el año 2001 y para lo que hemos creado el proyecto mayor Cristo de los Andes que trata de apòyar con alimentación, salud educación y tecnologia ecologica organica.La comunidad de Sipascancha esta ubicada a 3800 metros sobre el nivel del mar y es lugar donde esta este proyecto piloto que a la fecha no tiene recursos financieros sino mas de los 300 dolares que nos enviaste y el apoyo de la congregación Siervas de Cristo Sacerdote con otros alimentos que conseguimos en Cusco como en aduanas para comer pero que dará de comer hasta el 15 de diciembre.Da de comer milagrosamente un plato de sopa o segundo a 280 niños de lunes a viernes.Sus viviendas rusticas donde en un 95 por ciento estan ubicadas la cocina comedor y dormitorio en un solo ambiente.Y el trabajo principal de estos amigos es la agricultua´como hace 500 años atras en cultivos de papa y ollucos y avena forrajera. El suelo de su tierra es muy pobre y arcilloso y el frio de estas alturas es muy intenso registrando -7 oC en la noches más comunes es por este motivo que ellos ponen todo en un solo ambiente y las cocinas estan prendidas las 24 horas por motivo de calefacción pero que esto trae otras consecuencias en el resto del organismo.
El proyecto será equipamiento de cocinas mejoradas para evitar aspiración de gases tóxicos que provocan del debilitamiento del sistema inmunologico de los amigos campesinos y por consecuencia asegurar a esta población indigena de futuros males cancerigenos y enfermadades al sistema respiratorio con problemas oftalmologicos de lagañas e infecciones a los ojos y piel. Una mujer de altura puede presentar un cancer pulmonar igual que una mujer del primer mundo por fumar y la tasa de este esta creciendo, pero ella no lo hace por fumar sino por sobrevivencia ya que cocina con leña y bosta (caca de vaca). Para mantener caliente su casa y cocinar sus escasos alimentos.
El tiempo estimado es de tres meses con todos los inconvenientes, el trabajo es compartido y casa por casa con visitas domiciliarias de seguimiento y manejo de la cocina. (trabajo de nosotras y de Steven.)
Ese es nuestro proyecto hermoso y de vida intensa de conocer casa por casa. y estar muy junto a la vida dificil de esta amadas personas y niños.Esos son los datos mas importantes si tienes alguna pregunta escribeme te prometo qu el jueves abrire el correo. Busca la paginas en google institutotrabajoyfamilia@yahoo.com
Haremos algo muy parecido a nuestra manera pero con mucho amor si tienes duda al respecto de los costos comentamelo mañana urgente.
Lo de vender en anvida esta muy interesante averiguare mañana como se envia y cuanto cuesta creo que será caro veremos. Si hat cosas de menos de 25 calro que si. Tenemos muñequeria, tapicez cortos para sala bolsos o carteras etc.
El video lo hera en CD. y lo enviare la proxima semana me prestare una camara digital que filma secuencias cortas .
Prepara tus maletas y cuidate esa pierna estoy contigo rezando a Dios por tu salud.
Te quiero mucho
She begins asking me to excuse her; (we had talked on the phone and she was talking too fast and it was cutting out and i couldn't understand! So this letter is a repeat of our phone call!) apparently she has discovered an organization, Sembrando, affiliated with the Primera Dama of Peru (first lady) and that their work is near cajamarca. (yes, in the andes but a seriously long way from cusco.)
the associated costs are as follows: (i am leaving out the "soles", their form of money and just referring to its equivalent in dollars.)
----the elbow shaped stove, whether made of metal or ceramic costs $30 and for 120 families that comes to $3600.
----the technical help for us for 3 months 400$ per month, or $1200.
----the transport of materials would be $200.
----our transport would be $800, back and forth, i'm assuming from cusco, over a 3 month period.
she suggests we add 12% to allow for inflation and taxes with the total being $6500. and she says, if winrock could help us it would be better. (i am assuming she got this information from Sembrando.)
she goes on: we will be assisting 120 families of extreme poverty whose life of subsistence brings them approximately $100 per month which provides for an average family of five minimally covering their food, clothing and other needs. the 240 adults (who will not likely reach 60 years of age) and their 350 children will be the focus of this program. their common sicknesses are respiratory infections, chronic bronchitis, and viral snotty colds, throughout the year. their rate of malnutrition is high: for every 10 children, 8 have some degree of malnutrition. and in the younger children, 1-3 years of age, 9 out of every 10 are malnourished. Cristo de los Andes has been fighting the hunger since 2001, where they provide assistence with food, health education, and environmental education. (she doesn't specifically mention this, but they have constructed greenhouses, built schools, and initiated a tourist market for their artesania.) sipascancha is above 3800 meters and it is where this pilot project of theirs (Cristo de los Andes) is and to date they have very little in financial help, short of my $300 (i send it about every 3 months) and of the help of the congregation of Siervas de Cristo Sacerdote in cusco. they qualify to receive other foods duty free. Now they have food that will last until december 15th approximately. Miraculously they have been able to provide a bowl or two of soup for the 280 children mondays through fridays. 95% of the people live in rustic homes (adobe shacks) where their kitchen, dining and sleeping areas are in one room. the main source of income, the work of our friends is like what it has been for the last 500 years, growing potatoes, ollucos ( a type of little potato, i think,) and oats that are foraged. (this i was not aware of!) their dirt is clay like, very poor. (of note, the greenhouse and its produce is for the childrens'meals, not usually for sale.) its cold at this altitude, less than 7 degrees centigrade at nighttime. it is for this reason they live in one room, and their fires often go for 24 hours a day to also provide heat. but this brings other physical consequences.
the project will be to provide stoves of a better quality to avoid the aspiration of toxic fumes that provoke problems with the immune systems of our campesino friends. and as a consequence (of this and indoor air pollution) this population of indigenous people can acquire cancers, respiratory infections, and infections of the eyes and skin. a woman who lives in the high altitudes can acquire lung cancer the same as a woman of the first world who smokes and the rate of this is rising. but the woman here does not smoke. it is to survive that they have the fires in their homes, burning wood and animal dung so to stay warm and cook their scant amount of food.
she estimates the projest will take 3 months, allowing time for the inconveniences. the work will be shared and it will be with visits to each and every home one by one where we see how they have managed. she adds it will be us and steve likely doing this.
this is our beautiful project. it will be of an intense life that we will come to know home by home. to be side by side, together with them, the very dear people and children (of sipascancha) in this intense life they live.
she believes this to be the most important information. she asks me to write and give her questions if i have them. she promises she will check her mail thursday. and adds the web pages about la sen~ora noras and the organization she is affiliated (Sembrando) apparently with programs up and running. and she says, we'll do something similar (to them) , but in our own way with lots of love. and to let her know if i have any doubts about the costs to write her before thursday.
she likes the idea of sending some artesania for the market in december at the North Branch School. she will go (soon) and see what they have. she thinks this will be expensive to mail but "we'll see." and of course she adds they have many things under $25 like little dolls, small tapestries, and wallets and various bags. also in regards to the exchange with the school, she has put (?) a video on cd and is borrowing a camera to do a number of short films involving the children. she will mail it all next week.
so she ends with---(this is great!) so begin preparing your bags, and take care of that knee, i'm with you and praying for your recovery.
love you lots,
so, i sent off a letter yesterday letting her know it all sounds very good. and that i was concerned about the elbow stoves being sufficient. they will not heat the dwelling, they are just for cooking. and in one of the web pages i saw pictures of larger stoves and asked her to clarify if this was what she intended. hopefully she will give her permission to send her letter onto winrock and also be willing to talk to them. if there is any chance we can do this for less, we would take it but with keeping in mind, it will bring another group into the picture to work with. with respect to Cristo de los Andes this needs to be recognized, as i have witnessed groups not all operating on the same page trying to achieve similar goals. otherwise i told her we're excited about the things she'll be sending from the school and to let me know if she has artesania (and time) to mail things before the market date.
so, yeah. Back to this being A LEAP OF FAITH. after translating all this, i am sitting here with a nervous tummy. i don't know if its just my life right now, or if it's settling in that this project is going to happen and there's an incredible lot to put together, and after its all said and done, from the point we committed ourselves, it has/will change our lives every step of the way.
i will just say there seems to be alot of "leaps of faith" happening in my life right now. YIKES love, money, trust, security...so i try to let the doubt go and always remember things turn out as they should. one step at a time. but, thanks to this sensitive body of mine, i still have a nervous tummy!
More from Pave! the letter and translation follows:
Hola Laurie: Disculpa otra vez.
El programa sembrando inicia su trabajo en Cajamarca y todavia en Cusco no Inkawasi es su proyecto.
La cocina cuesta 30.00 dolares con cod ce´ramico o con codo de metal para 120 familias 3,600 dolares
El técnico que nos ayudará 1300.00 soles osea 400 dolares por tres meses1200 dolares
El transporte de materiales 200.00 dolares
El transporte de nosotros será de un aprox. de 800 dolares por la distancia.en tres meses con 150 soles de gasolina semanal.El costo total aproximado es de 5.800.00 dolares si deseas puedes aumentar el 12% de inflacion e imprevistos.
Si la agencia de winrock esta interesada mejor.
Apoyaremos a 120 familias de extrema pobreza cuyo recurso de subsistencia es de 100 soles diarios osea 30 dolares al mes para cinco miembros como mínimo en comida vestido y servicios. 240 adultos que no llegaran a los 60 años y 350 niños por perspectivas de vida mejores por este programa.
Cuyas emfermadades comunes son afeccciones al sistema respiratorio de bronquitis crónicas y mucosidades virulentas todo el año, desnutrición infantil alta de cada 10 niños 8 tienen grados de desnutrición y los más pequeños de 1 a 3 años de cada 10 9 son desnutridos seguros, lucha contra el hambre que que ambas venimos librando desde el año 2001 y para lo que hemos creado el proyecto mayor Cristo de los Andes que trata de apòyar con alimentación, salud educación y tecnologia ecologica organica.La comunidad de Sipascancha esta ubicada a 3800 metros sobre el nivel del mar y es lugar donde esta este proyecto piloto que a la fecha no tiene recursos financieros sino mas de los 300 dolares que nos enviaste y el apoyo de la congregación Siervas de Cristo Sacerdote con otros alimentos que conseguimos en Cusco como en aduanas para comer pero que dará de comer hasta el 15 de diciembre.Da de comer milagrosamente un plato de sopa o segundo a 280 niños de lunes a viernes.Sus viviendas rusticas donde en un 95 por ciento estan ubicadas la cocina comedor y dormitorio en un solo ambiente.Y el trabajo principal de estos amigos es la agricultua´como hace 500 años atras en cultivos de papa y ollucos y avena forrajera. El suelo de su tierra es muy pobre y arcilloso y el frio de estas alturas es muy intenso registrando -7 oC en la noches más comunes es por este motivo que ellos ponen todo en un solo ambiente y las cocinas estan prendidas las 24 horas por motivo de calefacción pero que esto trae otras consecuencias en el resto del organismo.
El proyecto será equipamiento de cocinas mejoradas para evitar aspiración de gases tóxicos que provocan del debilitamiento del sistema inmunologico de los amigos campesinos y por consecuencia asegurar a esta población indigena de futuros males cancerigenos y enfermadades al sistema respiratorio con problemas oftalmologicos de lagañas e infecciones a los ojos y piel. Una mujer de altura puede presentar un cancer pulmonar igual que una mujer del primer mundo por fumar y la tasa de este esta creciendo, pero ella no lo hace por fumar sino por sobrevivencia ya que cocina con leña y bosta (caca de vaca). Para mantener caliente su casa y cocinar sus escasos alimentos.
El tiempo estimado es de tres meses con todos los inconvenientes, el trabajo es compartido y casa por casa con visitas domiciliarias de seguimiento y manejo de la cocina. (trabajo de nosotras y de Steven.)
Ese es nuestro proyecto hermoso y de vida intensa de conocer casa por casa. y estar muy junto a la vida dificil de esta amadas personas y niños.Esos son los datos mas importantes si tienes alguna pregunta escribeme te prometo qu el jueves abrire el correo. Busca la paginas en google institutotrabajoyfamilia@yahoo.com
Haremos algo muy parecido a nuestra manera pero con mucho amor si tienes duda al respecto de los costos comentamelo mañana urgente.
Lo de vender en anvida esta muy interesante averiguare mañana como se envia y cuanto cuesta creo que será caro veremos. Si hat cosas de menos de 25 calro que si. Tenemos muñequeria, tapicez cortos para sala bolsos o carteras etc.
El video lo hera en CD. y lo enviare la proxima semana me prestare una camara digital que filma secuencias cortas .
Prepara tus maletas y cuidate esa pierna estoy contigo rezando a Dios por tu salud.
Te quiero mucho
She begins asking me to excuse her; (we had talked on the phone and she was talking too fast and it was cutting out and i couldn't understand! So this letter is a repeat of our phone call!) apparently she has discovered an organization, Sembrando, affiliated with the Primera Dama of Peru (first lady) and that their work is near cajamarca. (yes, in the andes but a seriously long way from cusco.)
the associated costs are as follows: (i am leaving out the "soles", their form of money and just referring to its equivalent in dollars.)
----the elbow shaped stove, whether made of metal or ceramic costs $30 and for 120 families that comes to $3600.
----the technical help for us for 3 months 400$ per month, or $1200.
----the transport of materials would be $200.
----our transport would be $800, back and forth, i'm assuming from cusco, over a 3 month period.
she suggests we add 12% to allow for inflation and taxes with the total being $6500. and she says, if winrock could help us it would be better. (i am assuming she got this information from Sembrando.)
she goes on: we will be assisting 120 families of extreme poverty whose life of subsistence brings them approximately $100 per month which provides for an average family of five minimally covering their food, clothing and other needs. the 240 adults (who will not likely reach 60 years of age) and their 350 children will be the focus of this program. their common sicknesses are respiratory infections, chronic bronchitis, and viral snotty colds, throughout the year. their rate of malnutrition is high: for every 10 children, 8 have some degree of malnutrition. and in the younger children, 1-3 years of age, 9 out of every 10 are malnourished. Cristo de los Andes has been fighting the hunger since 2001, where they provide assistence with food, health education, and environmental education. (she doesn't specifically mention this, but they have constructed greenhouses, built schools, and initiated a tourist market for their artesania.) sipascancha is above 3800 meters and it is where this pilot project of theirs (Cristo de los Andes) is and to date they have very little in financial help, short of my $300 (i send it about every 3 months) and of the help of the congregation of Siervas de Cristo Sacerdote in cusco. they qualify to receive other foods duty free. Now they have food that will last until december 15th approximately. Miraculously they have been able to provide a bowl or two of soup for the 280 children mondays through fridays. 95% of the people live in rustic homes (adobe shacks) where their kitchen, dining and sleeping areas are in one room. the main source of income, the work of our friends is like what it has been for the last 500 years, growing potatoes, ollucos ( a type of little potato, i think,) and oats that are foraged. (this i was not aware of!) their dirt is clay like, very poor. (of note, the greenhouse and its produce is for the childrens'meals, not usually for sale.) its cold at this altitude, less than 7 degrees centigrade at nighttime. it is for this reason they live in one room, and their fires often go for 24 hours a day to also provide heat. but this brings other physical consequences.
the project will be to provide stoves of a better quality to avoid the aspiration of toxic fumes that provoke problems with the immune systems of our campesino friends. and as a consequence (of this and indoor air pollution) this population of indigenous people can acquire cancers, respiratory infections, and infections of the eyes and skin. a woman who lives in the high altitudes can acquire lung cancer the same as a woman of the first world who smokes and the rate of this is rising. but the woman here does not smoke. it is to survive that they have the fires in their homes, burning wood and animal dung so to stay warm and cook their scant amount of food.
she estimates the projest will take 3 months, allowing time for the inconveniences. the work will be shared and it will be with visits to each and every home one by one where we see how they have managed. she adds it will be us and steve likely doing this.
this is our beautiful project. it will be of an intense life that we will come to know home by home. to be side by side, together with them, the very dear people and children (of sipascancha) in this intense life they live.
she believes this to be the most important information. she asks me to write and give her questions if i have them. she promises she will check her mail thursday. and adds the web pages about la sen~ora noras and the organization she is affiliated (Sembrando) apparently with programs up and running. and she says, we'll do something similar (to them) , but in our own way with lots of love. and to let her know if i have any doubts about the costs to write her before thursday.
she likes the idea of sending some artesania for the market in december at the North Branch School. she will go (soon) and see what they have. she thinks this will be expensive to mail but "we'll see." and of course she adds they have many things under $25 like little dolls, small tapestries, and wallets and various bags. also in regards to the exchange with the school, she has put (?) a video on cd and is borrowing a camera to do a number of short films involving the children. she will mail it all next week.
so she ends with---(this is great!) so begin preparing your bags, and take care of that knee, i'm with you and praying for your recovery.
love you lots,
so, i sent off a letter yesterday letting her know it all sounds very good. and that i was concerned about the elbow stoves being sufficient. they will not heat the dwelling, they are just for cooking. and in one of the web pages i saw pictures of larger stoves and asked her to clarify if this was what she intended. hopefully she will give her permission to send her letter onto winrock and also be willing to talk to them. if there is any chance we can do this for less, we would take it but with keeping in mind, it will bring another group into the picture to work with. with respect to Cristo de los Andes this needs to be recognized, as i have witnessed groups not all operating on the same page trying to achieve similar goals. otherwise i told her we're excited about the things she'll be sending from the school and to let me know if she has artesania (and time) to mail things before the market date.
so, yeah. Back to this being A LEAP OF FAITH. after translating all this, i am sitting here with a nervous tummy. i don't know if its just my life right now, or if it's settling in that this project is going to happen and there's an incredible lot to put together, and after its all said and done, from the point we committed ourselves, it has/will change our lives every step of the way.
i will just say there seems to be alot of "leaps of faith" happening in my life right now. YIKES love, money, trust, security...so i try to let the doubt go and always remember things turn out as they should. one step at a time. but, thanks to this sensitive body of mine, i still have a nervous tummy!