every now and then, it seems i let people down. imagine that. a friend once accused me of only thinking of myself. lovers have accused me of being a bitch. and last night, a patient's daughter called me evil. yes, evil. thank god, these accusations don't come up often. none the less when they do they cut me to the very core, especially when they come from people i love or my patients.
sometimes doing the best i can doesn't seem enough. what is there to do but accept and forgive yourself and others? to breathe deep and let it go? to embrace our's and others imperfections? are we not just human beings and far less perfect than we may appear on the surface?
oh, i don't know. so here in my blog for all the world to see, i declare:
i forgive my friend.
i forgive my lovers.
i forgive the family.
and most of all i forgive myself for being the sometimes inept, yet good intentioned person i am.
sometimes doing the best i can doesn't seem enough. what is there to do but accept and forgive yourself and others? to breathe deep and let it go? to embrace our's and others imperfections? are we not just human beings and far less perfect than we may appear on the surface?
oh, i don't know. so here in my blog for all the world to see, i declare:
i forgive my friend.
i forgive my lovers.
i forgive the family.
and most of all i forgive myself for being the sometimes inept, yet good intentioned person i am.