Monday, June 16, 2008

Good morning Sunshine! Still coolish at night, but oh, what a sweet thing to wake up to! My motor home is proving to be quite comfortable, having spent my third night here. i could get into this...

Today is the first day of my weeklong vacation! Later on, Steve and i head to PDX and then onto Louisville and Bloomington. It'll be all about music and old friends, that is, for Steve, and for me, it'll be all about new music and new friends to meet.

I've heard from our friends down in California, Cinny and Susan (and their partners), who are in process of doing a stove project in Guatemala. It's nice that Susan will be using our questionnaire to assess baseline health values/fuel use pre-cocina mejorada. Interestingly enough i also heard from the University of Colorado/ Envirofit folks, now in Cusco promoting solar lighting. Apparently its been decided it will not likely be a market for their new stoves, mentioned quite a few entries ago. They asked about contacting Pavela to see if they could visit some of our families using our metal rocket elbows. They apparently have one day free to do this. hmmm. Hopefully it'll work out, as we of course are planning on following up on this for our own information. i find it pretty amazing an organization such as that will be looking at our metal rockets...i'll keep you posted via this blog.

Happy day to all!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Foggy, drizzly weather persists here. i am so ready for some clarity and sun! the move is moving along. today steve is coming by to take a load and thursday i have a truck and helpers coming. the place should be clean on friday and then i'll be in my new digs, working one last weekend before my vacation! we're going to Louisville and Bloomington to hear music (Terrastock) and and to see a bizillion of steves old friends from college. we're reading of flooding there! And, i'm looking forward to being soaked to the bone with SUN, not rain!

the motor home is looking good! Bill came and helped me put in an alternate propane line for the stove and fixed the outlet for the gray water. Yeah, Bill! Josiah, my son, came into town and duly noted my spare room, beginning to look like all the places i live! i have my most immediate surroundings down i guess!

No word yet from Pave regarding our budget for our stove project in November. She's looking into brick makers and i believe making a few on her own. i want the tentative costs on paper. it helps in our planning especially in knowing we'll have what we need. once the move is done, and we're back from our trip, i'll give her a call and see what's up. in fact, once july rolls around, money will be going in the bank, we'll buy our tickets and get down to some solid planning. i'm looking forward to being able to focus on that. Ken is now in Africa (our friend with the non-profit Aid Africa/Aid Latin America). He'll be back late July and there is still a chance we can get onboard with his organization. this blog will keep you posted on that.

think sun!

Friday, June 06, 2008

Winter solstice lighting up a
field, like a window at night
in Ollantaytambo, Peru
i am in a fog here, nothing is appearing very clear. relationships, home, purpose, ie., what is the point here folks? is it supposed to all matter? fit all together nicely? or is it just the steps along the way, whatever way they come and whatever one makes of it? my next steps are still seeming just a natural progression/regression of the previous. yet, i'm looking for it to feel right but it's uneasy, a bit shakey, a bit like a fish outta water. maybe i've had too much coffee?! i think a nice sunny day will shed light on everything.