We had a wonderful trip to Virginia. It's pretty where Steve's family lives. Out in the country, rolling hills, lovely gardens, a creek and one of the coolest things is to hear all the birds that sing such sweet songs far different than ours here. We saw our family and got the chance to meet more people who have followed and supported our work in Peru. We visited North Branch School and did a slide show for the children about Sipascancha and Mandorani. And on Sunday we enjoyed a celebration of our wedding with everyone.
Now, if I were anything of a computer-blogger-facebook-y person lickety split I would post photos. This old computer of mine does not enjoy posting photos. It just takes too-too-too long and before I realize it I have shot away a day accomplishing very little besides a few photos.
Now that I think about it, I could do it to the flickr site...maybe later. It's a lovely grey as it can only be here in Oregon and I want to get outside and diddle about the yard. The heat is said to be returning next week.
Now, if I were anything of a computer-blogger-facebook-y person lickety split I would post photos. This old computer of mine does not enjoy posting photos. It just takes too-too-too long and before I realize it I have shot away a day accomplishing very little besides a few photos.
Now that I think about it, I could do it to the flickr site...maybe later. It's a lovely grey as it can only be here in Oregon and I want to get outside and diddle about the yard. The heat is said to be returning next week.